Management systems should enable the continual improvement of an organization. Even with a well-documented and resourced system, managers find it challenging to gain buy-in from the workforce. Users are looking for the answer to “what’s in it for me?” It is only when this question is answered that the workforce will raise non-conformities, audits will not be perceived as policing and people will connect with the policy and vision of where the company is going.
QMII President & CEO, Dr. IJ Arora will cover the common system failures that prevent buy-in and hamper the quality culture as well as how to address them. Learn how to add value to your system and how to gain buy-in from the workforce.
QMII President & CEO – Dr. IJ Arora presented on the topic “Building an effective quality culture- The key to sustaining system improvements.”
The Free Webinar was positively received by participants from various industries.
Click here for the full presentation.