Is your organization ready for MDSAP

Quality is important in all industries but perhaps more so in the medical industry and for those organizations producing medical devices. Apart from ISO 13485 that defines the requirement for medical device quality management systems, medical device manufacturers have to also comply with the regulations of the country their devices are going to be used within. In an effort to streamline the program for manufacturers the Medical Device Single Audit Program (MDSAP) was devised. The MDSAP program is an audit done of the company to the regulations of five participating countries. It is thus much longer than a regular ISO audit as it has to assess the system against multiple regulatory requirements.

As your company prepares for this new audit scheme perhaps the easiest things to do is a self-assessment. Use the MDSAP audit model guide to assess whether the company processes meet all the requirements. Conduct a gap assessment and then work to fill in the gaps including keeping records as needed by MDSAP. Just because an organization undergoes MDSAP does not mean that it will not have an ISO 13485 audit as these are two separate schemes. In conduct of the assessment ensure that the person conducting it is competent to do so. This will avoid any last-minute surprises. Make note that the MDSAP model grades non-conformities differently and so use the same scoring scheme to know what are priorities that need to be addressed immediately.

Is the leadership prepared? Often in preparing an organization focuses on the lower echelons as also on the processes involved in the design and manufacturing processes. Ensure the leadership is briefed on the model guide and understands the expectations from them. As a part of each audit the AO focuses on the management and assesses their commitment to the system. The leadership once committed will drive the rest of the organization to follow suit. This will make it easier for those implementing the system and assessing it internally.

Make sure personnel are trained and understand well the expectations of them. QMII offers a variety of MDSAP offerings that are tailored to meet the requirements of the organization with training for each level of the organization. In addition, QMII also offers ISO 13485 lead auditor training. Organizations must recognize that participating in MDSAP will not exclude them from regulatory audits from other organizations. While the audit program may seem cumbersome at first there are benefits from participating in it that include reduced costs and a streamlined audit process.

The role of internal audits in MDSAP audits

As MDSAP deadlines draw near companies are asking how to prepare for the MDSAP audit. The most basic step for the success of any management system is to say what you do and do what you say. When the system as documented is captured to reflect the “As-Is” of how it is done then implanting the system leads to conformity at all levels.
Auditing Organizations (AOs) that will come to assess the conformity of the system will be using a process-based approach to the audit as also prescribed by ISO 13485 and ISO 19011. As such internal audit teams too should be trained to conduct process-based audits. This will ensure that the organization will be ready and familiar with the way the AO audit will be conducted. Process-based audits also allow a better look at how the system is working to meet objectives. In the aerospace industry PEAR diagrams are used to identify the inputs, resources and controls for each process to better understand the interrelation of them within the process, whether they are sufficient and how they interact with other processes.
In the process audits for MDSAP the AO will first start with an audit of the leadership (top management) to appreciate their commitment to the system as also their awareness of the risks impacting their system and the actions, they are taking to address them. At each level the auditors will be seeking evidence of competence, documentation and data control and monitoring and measurement being done.
Internal audit teams should use a grading system familiar to those used by MDSAP auditors and as prescribed by HTF/SG3/N19:2012. The grading system follows a scale of 1 to 5 with 5 being the most severe. This will enable a realistic look at the state of the system. Auditors will also focus on the design and development and production controls from a risk perspective. They will assess how well the outsourced providers are controlled and what risks were determined in assessing the type and extent of control to be applied.
As with all systems auditors will want to assess that a system exists to identify and deal with non-conformities including implementation of corrective action within the defined time frame. Internal audit personnel can gain a better understanding of MDSAP audits and how to prepare by enrolling in QMII’s suite of course offerings tailored to various levels of the organization. Keep in mind that MDSAP audits are longer in duration as the audit time is based on tasks and not the number of employees.