Are Medical Audits Improving Systems Or Only Driving Fixes? 

Is there a potential downside to medical audits wherein the audits are focused on finding and fixing problems? A recent discussion with a medical professional piqued my interest in the value of Medical Audits given that QMII, a subject matter expert in auditing, has ventured into the medical auditing field. This led to a conversation with a few additional healthcare professionals to understand a little more about medical audits, their findings and how organizations address them. My additional reading outlined a lack of effective systemic corrective action. In this article, I discuss some aspects of the medical audit process and what organizations can do to improve the process of audits and of implement corrective action.  

There are various types of medical audits including clinical audits, billing/coding audits, financial audits, operational audits and compliance audits. While there are regulations, protocols and standards against which these audits are conducted, in many cases, industry-best practices are also used as audit criteria. This brings subjectivity into the audit as ‘best practices’ knowledge may vary from auditor to auditor based on their experience. Auditing to an auditor’s experience has a major drawback not just in the medical industry but in all industries. It takes the auditors away from requirements which then results in biased inputs to the leadership that may be inaccurate.  This also leaves the auditee (the organization being audited) on the receiving end of findings for which there are no certain requirements. That is, they may make changes to their system based on the finding of one auditor only to find that another auditor objects to the very actions they implemented based on the previous auditor. 

Medical Audits and Recommendations 

In medical audits, it is common practice for auditors to provide recommendations to address findings. These recommendations are based on experience and industry-best practices. In ISO audits this is not allowed. In most industries, including the healthcare industry, there is no obligation to act upon any of the recommendations of an auditor. However, if auditors are perceived to be in a position of authority, then there is an underlying implication that the audit recommendation must be implemented. This is for fear of the nonconformity occurring again only for someone to say, “the auditor told you what to do and no action was taken”. This then also implies, audits do not delve deeply enough to identify systemic weaknesses within the processes or the workflow. 

In speaking with the medical professionals within my professional circle of friends, it was surprising to hear that in many cases the personnel being asked to address the audit findings are unaware of any root cause analysis methodologies nor have they been given any formal training in the subject. Further, they are not clear about what a CAPA is but do know that they need to provide some action to close out the finding. In such cases, is it then fair to expect effective corrective action? Perhaps, the lack of effective corrective actions perpetuated the need for auditor recommendations! 

Without proper training, it is but natural for personnel responding to audit findings to default to the recommendations of the auditor and implement those actions prescribed by the auditor as the corrective action in and of itself. Sadly, in such cases the root cause of the issue goes unaddressed. Sometimes such cases may lie in inadequate resources, technology or even lack of guidance/policy from leaders. While the aim of the audits is to identify where the process may require additional controls, all for providing better healthcare for the patient, the outcome may only be a band-aid. 

What can be done to change this? 

While change may not come overnight, there are a few key steps that can be taken to improve the audit process overall right up until corrective action and meet the end goal of providing better healthcare.  

Auditor training – Auditors must be trained to remain objective through the audit process, to focus on the requirements (criteria) of their audit, to focus on factual evidence and objectively assess it (yes, no experience!). Further they must understand the implications of providing recommendations and thus not provide any recommendations. The auditors are but to focus on assessing the effectiveness of the corrective action plan submitted and verifying the effectiveness of actions taken.  

Root Cause Analysis Training – Healthcare organizations must invest in providing their personnel with training in the different root cause analysis methodologies and how to apply it to identify the root cause(s) of a problem.  

Reinforcing that Recommendations need not be accepted/addressed – Organizations must be professional to build the courage to stand up to auditors and not accept recommendations. Auditors do not know all facets of the process from the short sample of the organization they witness. If their “advice” in the recommendations is wrong/ineffective, who then pays the price? 

Auditor Selection – ISO 19011 provides guidance on the behaviors and skills that an auditor should exhibit, and these are applicable to an auditor selected to conduct any type of audit. Auditors must be evaluated periodically to ensure they are remaining objective through an audit and working to identify the effectiveness of controls and adequacy of resources in assessing if the overall objectives have been met. To learn more about how QMII can support your organization’s audit process, click here

Julius DeSilva, Senior Vice-President

The role of internal audits in MDSAP audits

As MDSAP deadlines draw near companies are asking how to prepare for the MDSAP audit. The most basic step for the success of any management system is to say what you do and do what you say. When the system as documented is captured to reflect the “As-Is” of how it is done then implanting the system leads to conformity at all levels.
Auditing Organizations (AOs) that will come to assess the conformity of the system will be using a process-based approach to the audit as also prescribed by ISO 13485 and ISO 19011. As such internal audit teams too should be trained to conduct process-based audits. This will ensure that the organization will be ready and familiar with the way the AO audit will be conducted. Process-based audits also allow a better look at how the system is working to meet objectives. In the aerospace industry PEAR diagrams are used to identify the inputs, resources and controls for each process to better understand the interrelation of them within the process, whether they are sufficient and how they interact with other processes.
In the process audits for MDSAP the AO will first start with an audit of the leadership (top management) to appreciate their commitment to the system as also their awareness of the risks impacting their system and the actions, they are taking to address them. At each level the auditors will be seeking evidence of competence, documentation and data control and monitoring and measurement being done.
Internal audit teams should use a grading system familiar to those used by MDSAP auditors and as prescribed by HTF/SG3/N19:2012. The grading system follows a scale of 1 to 5 with 5 being the most severe. This will enable a realistic look at the state of the system. Auditors will also focus on the design and development and production controls from a risk perspective. They will assess how well the outsourced providers are controlled and what risks were determined in assessing the type and extent of control to be applied.
As with all systems auditors will want to assess that a system exists to identify and deal with non-conformities including implementation of corrective action within the defined time frame. Internal audit personnel can gain a better understanding of MDSAP audits and how to prepare by enrolling in QMII’s suite of course offerings tailored to various levels of the organization. Keep in mind that MDSAP audits are longer in duration as the audit time is based on tasks and not the number of employees.

Defining Measurable Objectives/ Metrics to Drive Continual Improvement

Measurable objectives are an essential input for all levels of the management and come from the top management (TM). These objectives guide personnel at the work level to help ensure the success of a management system. The need for a set of value-based metrics is met by looking carefully at the company policy (based on the strategic direction) and then drawing the measurable objectives from it.

My thought is for any organization giving more than the desired value is a challenge! Values in today’s business world are often related solely to the ROI (Return on Investment). Providing value to the customer is a goal. The question is at what cost? Due to budgetary concerns, no organization wants to do more than what is required. Availability of funds is input to the design of the final product and or service. Consequentially, the values that an organization sets for itself must be based on trying to meet the objectives and expectations of the customers, or the statutory bodies (if relevant) within the constraints of the resources. Where a statutory body is involved, it is the vital responsibility of that body to precisely define expectations and what metrics they will accept.

My opinion is that the statutory bodies such as the FAA, FDA, EPA, and USCG, would have concerns about continual improvement by the external service providers. It is therefore critical to conduct an analysis and conduct management reviews internally to achieve the intended purpose of Clause 10.3 of ISO 9001:2015. However, it all starts with defining, providing and monitoring these clear expectations. This means that the statutory body should provide guidelines for stated requirements, as the IMO does in the ISM Code, within Resolution A.1118(30) & MSC-MEPC.7/Cir8. In a similar manner, the USCG could provide clear guidelines for TPO (Third Party Organization) and for the towing companies for the Subchapter M.

Statutory bodies, understandably, may struggle with defining their policy in the initial stages and clearly converting it to a set of measurable objectives (Value based metrics) for external providers. The need for the Leadership (TM) is to spend time and resources well at the plan stage of the PDCA cycle (Plan-Do-Check-Act) by understanding the context of the organization (Clauses 4.1 and 4.2 of the ISO 9001) and appreciate the various risks (Clause 6.1 of ISO 9001) keeping the customer focus in mind. The Standard here provides useful clauses to make the decision. An objective audit of the internal procedures of the statutory body (Clause 9.2 of ISO 9001) would provide the inputs for the Management Review (Clause 9.3) and ensure a robust decision-making process. This then should be followed by regular audits of the organization to which the processes have been outsourced (meeting the requirements of Clause 8.4.1 and 8.4.2 of ISO 9001). The organization which provides the outsourced service or product needs the information in terms of clause 8.4.3 to perform to the total satisfaction of the statutory body. As such providing clear requirements is a vital role of the statutory body.

Once requirements are clear, then the organization providing a product or service will use these inputs to design their Policy (Clause 5.2 of ISO 9001) 5.2.1d. This policy would then ensure that the feedback loop will help to drive continuous improvement efforts of the QMS. This policy would then provide the framework for the “value-based metrics” which in Quality terms would be the measurable objectives in terms of clause 6.2. Both 6.2.1 and 6.2.2 would put the organization on the correct path to success. The statutory body would vigorously and regularly audit the correct implementation itself or by using an independent professional service provider.

In effect, what this means is that just being certified to e.g. ISO 9001:2015 is not enough for any organization. What is required is a functioning PBMS (process-based management system) based on the chosen standard and other criteria implemented by committed leadership and motivated manpower.

(The author Dr. IJ Arora, is the President and CEO of QMII)