Obtaining Top Management Commitment

Who cares about the system? 

Management systems need top management commitment to work well, and yet many systems lack the necessary commitmentYou may recognize some symptomsPolicy – ignoredObjectives  are barely alive. Corrective actions remain open. Managers seem not to appreciate the value of the requirementsEmployees are unsure about the system’s requirementsProactive identification and addressing of risks/opportunities is rareRoot causes of failure remain in the system. Consequently, the system is not improved. Employees are unaware of what the system should do for themManagement reviews are embarrassingLeaders either do not show or do not contribute. Top Management Commitment is lacking. Audits may temporarily energize the playersManagement representatives ask, Am I the only person who really cares?” 

Who trained the leaders? 

Many leaders do not explain their management systemsThey may know the importance of certification, but they rarely explain why their system is vital for survival and growthWhy is this? Examine your internal audit program; is it driven by top management’s objectives?  Audit your training recordsDo they show that leaders are competent and confident to show their top management commitment? Who trained the leaders in their organizational management systemCompetent leaders take responsibility for their systemThey explain how their system works and why its requirements are so important to themUnaware leaders blame employees for mistakes caused by their system. 

Your system, is it perceived as worthy? 

Even if your system is certified, do not expect leaders to support it Every organization is a systemDoes the documented part of this system describe how it converts stakeholder needs into cash (or continued funding)?  Is this the management system that was certified or was it some new ISO system built on templates?  

Is your system irresistible to the leaders?  If notshow how your system converts needs into cash so top managers would not want to lead without itTry our methodology to appreciate how others have developed systems and gained top management commitment beyond certification. Everyone should fulfill their objectives and earn their bonuses by using and improving  the system.  

Awareness Leaders Workshop 

Engage us to design and facilitate your one-day Awareness Leaders Workshop™Select attendees who are leaders by job title and those who are leaders by personalityInclude the skeptics! 

We listen to your objectives and design your workshop to fulfill your required outcomesThis may need  system analysis to result in a diagram that explains how the system converts needs into cash. This  workshop is facilitated by our senior management system consultant and auditor, who for over 20 years  has helped many willing and reluctant managers to understand and commit to their systems. 

Prepare for action 

Remove the root causes of what ails many management systemsYou want your top management commitment  to the requirements of their management systemClear the backlog of stale CARs  and pending actions on identified risks to prepare for the surge of improvements flowing from the renewed leadership of your system 

When you are ready, please email IJ Arora or call 888.357.9001 with your requirements.